Ma további 10% -os kedvezmény a futás kategória összes termékére, még a KEDVEZMÉNYESekre is. (nem érvényes sportórákra és exkluzív cikkekre) Használja a RUNOUT10kódot.

Winter Lab

Winter Lab

In our Extreme Vital Winter Lab we offer you the preparation of your cross-country skis or skis on the best state-of-the-art equipment, which makes the service in the quickest, most precise way and with the highest level of quality, before and during the season.

- professional rectification of the structure of the slab, based on snow, stone tuning
- professional tuning
- application of high quality wax
- possibility of hand waxing and polishing.


For more info please write to or call +386 4 51 57 712 30.